Pedagogical Innovation

CodeCourse titleCourse startCredit Points/ ECTS
Б1.О.01Current Issues of Science and EducationWinter semester3.0
Б1.О.02Business Foreign Language

Winter semester,

Summer semester



Б1.О.03Methodology and Methods of Scientific ResearchWinter semester3.0
Б1.О.04Information Technologies in the Professional ActivitySummer semester2.0
Б1.О.05Psychological Basics of Educational ActivityWinter semester4.0
Б1.О.06Innovative Trends in Development of Pedagogy and EducationWinter semester4.0
Б1.О.07Professional Communication in Education Summer semester4.0
Б1.О.08Organization of Experimental Work at School

Summer semester,

Winter semester



Б1.В.01Comporative Studies of School EducationWinter semester4.0
Б1.В.02Modern Models of School EducationWinter semester6.0
Б1.В.03Educational Environment Design in SchoolSummer semester3.0
Б1.В.04Moderation of Conflicts in Educational SystemWinter semester3.0
Б1.В.ДВ.01State Educational Policy Winter semester3.0
Б1.В.ДВ.02Psychological and Pedagogical Diagnostics in EducationSummer semester4.0
Б1.В.ДВ.03Innovative Educational TechnologiesSummer semester2.0
Б1.В.ДВ.04Current Issues of Childhood and YouthWinter semester3.0
Б1.В.ДВ.05Interdisciplinary Projects in School EducationWinter semester4.0
Б1.В.ДВ.06Management in EducationWinter semester4.0