Theory and Design of Buildings and Structures

CodeCourse titleCourse Start
Credit Points/ ECTS
Б1.О.01Methematical ModelingWinter semester3.0
Б1.О.02Numeral Methods for Solving Engineering and Technical Issues in ConstructionSummer semester2.0
Б1.О.03Scientific Organization of Labor in ConstructionWinter semester3.0
Б1.О.04Bussiness Foreign LanguageWinter semester2.0
Б1.О.05Information Technologies in ConstructionSummer semester2.0
Б1.О.06Methods for Solving Scientific and Tecnical Issues in ConstructionSummer semester3.0
Б1.О.07Team Management in Construction SynergyWinter semester2.0
Б1.О.08Research MethodologySummer semester3.0
Б1.О.09Technical Management of Design and Suely WorksWinter semester3.0
Б1.О.10Theory and Methodology of Experimental Research of Building Structures

Winter semester


Б1.О.11Technical Regulation and Standartization in DesignWinter semester5.0
Б1.О.12Planning and Organization of Scientific and Innovative ActivityWinter semester4.0
Б1.В.01Design of Industrial Timber ConstructionsWinter semester5.0
Б1.В.02Development and Design of Building Information ModelSummer semester4.0
Б1.В.03Features of Calculation of Buildings and StructuresWinter semester7.0
Б1.В.ДВ.01Organization of Control of Building Information Modeling Winter semester3.0
Б1.В.ДВ.02Assessment and Monitoring Technical conditions of Capital Construction ObjectsWinter semester4.0
Б1.В.ДВ.03Calculation and Design of Buildings and Structures for Seismic Effects and Progressive DestructionWinter semester3.0
Б1.В.ДВ.04Design of Buildings and Special Engineering StructuresWinter semester5.0