Chemistry of Pharmaceuticals and Biologically Active Substances

CodeCourse titleCourse startCredit Points/ ECTS
Б1.О.01IT Technologies in Science and EducationWinter semester4.0
Б1.О.02Foreign Language

Winter semester,

Summer semester



Б1.О.03Philosophical Issues of Natural ScienceWinter semester2.0
Б1.О.04Chemistry of Pharmaceuticals and Biologically Active SubstancesSummer semester4.0
Б1.О.05Basics of Pharmaceutical TechnologiesWinter semester4.0
Б1.О.06Validation of Pharmaceutical ProductionSummer semester3.0
Б1.В.01Curret Issues of Continuous EducationWinter semester4.0
Б1.В.02Modern Methods of Organic Compounds ResearchWinter semester7.0
Б1.В.03Applied Aspects of Chemistry of Medical and Biologically Active PolymersWinter semester7.0
Б1.В.04Methods of Excrete, Purification and Analysis of Biological SubstancesWinter semester3.0
Б1.В.ДВ.01Scientific Information Resources and Basics of ScientometricsWinter semester3.0
Б1.В.ДВ.02Application of Calculation and Quantum-Chemical Methods in Organic SynthesisWinter semester4.0
Б1.В.ДВ.03Kinetic Methods of Studying Organic ReactionsWinter semester3.0
Б1.В.ДВ.04Curret Issues of Chemical and Analytical Control of Pharmaceuticals and Biologically Active Substances Summer semester5.0