Protection of Heritage Sites

CodeCourse titleCourse Start
Credit Points/ ECTS
Б1.О.01Philosophy and Methodology of ScienceSummer semester3.0
Б1.О.02History and Methodology of ScienceWinter semester 6.0
Б1.О.03Information Technologies in the Professional ActivityWinter semester2.0
Б1.О.04Cultural Research in the Modern WorldSummer semester5.0
Б1.О.05Modern Research of Culture in RussiaWinter semester5.0
Б1.О.06Modern Techniques for Analyzing Cultural TextSummer semester5.0
Б1.О.07Source Studies of Cultural HistoryWinter semester5.0
Б1.О.08Interdisciplinary Seminar on Sociocultural ResearchWinter semester5.0
Б1.О.09Intellectual History of RussiaWinter semester5.0
Б1.О.10Foreign Language in the Professional ActivityWinter semester4.0
Б1.О.11Objects of Culture of the Vladimir Region (in English)Summer semester3.0
Б1.О.12Applied Aspects of ResearchWinter semester5.0
Б1.О.13Tourist Routes of the Vladimir RegionSummer semester4.0
Б1.О.14History and Methodology of Protection and Restoration of Cultural Heritage Objects in Russian and AbroadSummer semester4.0
Б1.В.ДВ.01Basic Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects Legislation in Russia and AbroadWinter semester4.0
Б1.В.ДВ.02Modern Provincial Culture Winter semester4.0
Б1.В.ДВ.03Resources of Regional Cultural Heritage ObjectsWinter semester4.0
Б1.В.ДВ.04Geography of Natural and Cultural Heritage ObjectsWinter semester5.0
Б1.В.ДВ.05City as a Sociocultural PhenomenonSummer semester3.0