Automation of Technological Processes and Productions

CodeCourse titleCourse startCredit Points/ ECTS
Б1.О.01Technical Aids and Automation Systems

Winter semester


Б1.О.02Technological Processes of Automated ProductionsWinter semester4.0
Б1.О.03Executive Systems of Automated ManufacturesSummer semester5.0
Б1.О.04Control sustems for Electric Drives of Automated Equipment ProductionsWinter semester4.0
Б1.О.05Information Systems for Measurement and Control of Automated ProductionsWinter semester4.0
Б1.О.06Foreign Language in Professional ActivityWinter semester2.0
Б1.О.07Design Preparation for the Development of Equipment for Automated ProductionsWinter semester4.0
Б1.О.08Analysis and Use Scientific and Technological InformationWinter semester4.0
Б1.О.09Project Feasibility StudySummer semester3.0
Б1.В.01Model Analysis of Aids and Automation Systems

Winter semester

Summer semester



Б1.В.02Automated Desing SystemsSummer semester4.0
Б1.В.03Product Lifecycle ManagementWinter semester3.0
Б1.В.04Principles and Methods for Developing Innovative Technical SolutionsSummer semester5.0
Б1.В.05Scientific Research in AutomationSummer semester4.0
Б1.В.06Automated Process Control SystemsSummer semester3.0
Б1.В.07Enterprise ManagementWinter semester3.0
Б1.В.08Design of Processing Management

Winter semester

Summer semester



Б1.В.ДВ.01Production LogisticsWinter semester4.0
Б1.В.ДВ.02Industrial Automation ControllersWinter semester4.0
Б1.В.ДВ.03Database Management SystemSummer semester4.0
Б1.В.ДВ.04Control ProgrammingSummer semester4.0