List of Master's Degree Programs
Institute of Engineering and Automobile Transport
- Design and Technological Support of Machinery Productions
- Power Engineering
- Mechatronics and Robotics
- Quality Management
- Innovative Studies
- Materials Science and Technologies of Materials
- Transportation Technology
- Automation of Technological Processes and Productions
Institute of Аrchitecture, Civil Engineering and Energy
- Construction
- Electric Power and Electrical Engineering
- Chemical Technology
Institute of Applied Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
- Applied Mathematics and Informatics
- Mathematics and Computer Science
- Laser Technique and Laser Technologies
Institute of Biology and Ecology
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Ecology and Nature Management
- Soil Sciences
Institute of Information Technologies and Radioelectronics
- Instrument Engineering
- Informatics and Computer Science
- Information Systems and Technologies
- Applied Informatics
- Software Engineering
- Information Security
- Radio Engineering
- Biotechnical Systems and Technologies
- Design and Technology of Electronic Means
- Technical Systems Management
Institute of Economics and Tourism
- Economics
- Company Economics
- Management
- Business Informatics
- Housing and Utility Infrastructure
Law Institute
- Jurisprudence
Institute for the Humanities
- Psychology
- History
- Special Deefectology Education
- Culturology
Pedagogical Institute
- Teacher Education
- Management in Education
- Physical and Mathematical Education
- Current Issues of Studying Russian History
- Profile History Studies
- Pedagogy and Psychology of Preschool and Primary
- Philological Education
- Pedagogical Innovation
- Biological and Geographical Education
- Mathematical Education
- Foreign Languages and Cross-Cultural Communication (in English)
- Fine Art
- Psychological and Pedagogical Education
- Restoration
- Design
Institute of Physical Culture and Sports
- Teacher Education
Higher School of Music and Theater
- Teacher Education